In the world of manga, “The Cursed Sculpture” explores the origins of resentment
whether external or internal. Ye Limei, a talented sculpture student
becomes the unwitting target of a malevolent spirit lurking within one of the school’s sculptures following a mysterious incident. Soon, a series of supernatural events unfolds, plunging Ye Limei into a relentless nightmare. However, upon uncovering the dark secret concealed within the cursed sculpture, she seizes its power for her own benefit. Instead of succumbing to fear, Ye Limei harnesses the spirit’s abilities to exact revenge on those who have wronged her. With each act of retribution, she experiences a twisted sense of satisfaction, yet unwittingly allows the spirit’s malevolence to consume her mind bit by bit. As the lines between vengeance and morality blur, Ye Limei finds herself increasingly entangled in the web of enmity woven by the cursed sculpture. In this gripping manga, the consequences of unchecked resentment and the lure of power take center stage, propelling Ye Limei down a dark and dangerous path.